GrannyEtta's Bible Study

GrannyEtta's Bible Study



12 Apr 2024


Do we still believe in miracles? Or are they a thing of the past? I believe we experience miracles every day of our our lives, most of which we are not evan aware of! The most of the material we will be discussing in this blob discussion will be from the book written by Marilyn Hickey -->" Your Pathway To Miracles"I am very excited to start this discussion I hooe and pray you all enjoy it as much as I know I will.    God Bless.

Not to experience a healing or deliverance God desires for you would be tragic enough, but to lack repentance and refuse to receive Christ would lead to a grim penalty. We don’t want to fall short of God’s purposes for our lives. Let us be able to say with Paul, “In [God] we live and move and have our being” (Acts 17:28).
Our heavenly Father is a God of the miraculous. From Genesis to Revelation, His Word—the Bible—is a miraculous book. It is a supernatural gift, a revelation from God, which He has given for our instruction, comfort, and guidance in life. It tells us of many miracles God has provided for His people over thousands of years. Yet the Bible doesn’t talk just about past miracles; it tells us how we can experience miracles in the present and the future. God hasn’t changed. He desires to do miracles for us, too! For I am the Lord, I do not change.(Malachi 3:6) Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.(Hebrews 13:8)
Page one insert of Marilyn's ebook,
"Your Path Way To A miracle"
What Miracle Are You Seeking? In the United States and around the world, countless numbers of people are looking for miracles in their lives. When some people say, “I’m praying for a miracle,” they are really talking about wishful thinking or a vague hope that things will get better. Others, however, mean that they are asking God to intervene in their lives based on the reality of His promises. There’s a big difference! Over the years, my ministry has received numerous reports of miracles that have come through prayer and holding on to God’s Word, miracles such as: My eight-year-old son had leukemia. I called for prayer for strength to go through the treatment. That wonderful prayer partner rebuked the disease and prayed that he be healed in Jesus’ name. Now my son is healed! There is no leukemia in his body! It was such a testimony to the doctors and nurses. ** I had a nervous breakdown [and when I was feeling the worst I would] listen to you say, “This is the best day of your life!”…Little by little the joy I felt began to increase.…I want you to know that my mind is healed now. I was sick for seven years. I feel the peace of God and the joy of the Lord again. **
26 Oct 2023

Working Out Our Salvation

I was saved as a teen, I am now 67 years old. And I am still in the process of working out my own salvation. I have been thru multiple back slides, let myself be led away & consciencely walked away. But my Father God has always Faithfully pulled me back in, forgive me, and welcomed me to start all over again. We really do serve an Awesome God! I realize now, that my down fall has always been, that I was to involved with Self, this go round I truly want with all my heart ,mind & soul for self to be crucified with our Savior on the Cross, and it not be me, but the Holy Spirit that resides in me to live on! Please feel free to use the comment feature on here to discuss this topic if you like.

Read why Must We Work Out Our Salvation?

Quiz Why Must We Work Out Our Salvation?

So sorry for my long absence from here, but my husband has some health issues that has consumed very much of my time and attention, but I am finally getting my routine in line, and am hopeful that some of my time will be freed up so that I can extend more attention to this blog!
Etta Smith
Update on YouTube video & Quiz page.
Marilyn Hickey, one of my new favorite authors.
"Thankfulness brings Miracles"
Idk if anyone is visiting my blog or not, but if you are, please say a prayer for my husband, he is in need of health prayers! Thank you in advance. And if any of you need prayer for yourself or someone else please feel free to post, and I promise I will emediately start praying. Thanks in advance! 🙏❤️
Etta Hudson Smith